Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Have you heard of westest? Maybe, but maybe not. Alot of people don't know what it is, because they didn''t have to put up with it in school. Our last president George W. Bush came up with it in the "No Child Left Behind" program. Any student at my school will tell you that it sucks.

Westest is a test that every single student across America from 3rd to 11th grade has to take in order to pass. It may not seem that bad, but it takes 4 days to complete. It is supposed to cover the cirriculum that you learned during the duration of that school year, but usually it doesn't.  I especially don't enjoy it because it has to be so strictly given and set by all these rules and regulations.

The thing that agitates me most about the test is the fact that the questions are opinion based.  It drives me insane when they ask "What's the BEST choice?" because that means that all the answers are technically right and it makes it not fair.  And, I especially get upset when teachers piddle around and don't teach when they are supposed to be covering information that is on it. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gun Control

I think that people being able to use guns with a license is a good thing.  You are allowed to have protection, and it is important to feel safe.  I dont't think you should shoot someone randomly unless you have 100% reason and cause to do it though.  You have rights as an American, but you also have common sense.

The Trayvon Martin case is a good example of the stand your ground law.  On one hand, there is a hooded man that looks suspicious and dangerous.  But, he is really just a 17 year old teenage boy who's unarmed and totally harmless. It's sad when you think about it... George Zimmerman just decided it would be okay to shoot him and see what happened.. And now he's paying for it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I think the rich should be taxed and give the small businesses a break. It's called the Buffett rule because of Jimmy Buffett saying that they should tax him more than his secretary.  The rich have alot of money to begin with, and it shouldn't be so bad to pay a little extra money and help the poor... It just sounds like charity to me, and the rick folks need to get better reputations and help us out. 

I also think the matter might have something to do with Obama's tricks on us to get himself re-elected.  I guess Obama is pretty clever, because I'm fine with the rich tax (but I won't vote for him, mostly because I'm only 15, but also because I don't believe he's doing the country any good.) So, the Buffett rule sounds like a good one, and it will help get the country out of debt.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Gas Prices

Gas prices have been on the rise, and they might not go down for a while.  I don't drive yet, but I'll get my learners permit soon.  I think Obama shouldn't raise gas prices because it could cost him his presidency.  I also think that drilling should be allowed wherever as long as the person who owns the property says it's okay.

Since I don't drive, I don't pay for gas.  And, I don't have a car or insurance.  I guess I shouldn't be talking because I'm just a teenager, but I go with my mom to the gas station, and it's over $60 to fill up the car.  She has a small car, and she just buys the unleaded kind of oil, but it's still high money to pay.  I remember when it used to only be about $40 or so.  In the end, I think we just need a president who knows how to rule a country and keep the economy under control.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

mascots and native americans

There have been some arguments going on about schools and teams using Native Americans as their mascots; some think it's an honor, but others think it's an insult and a stereotypical remark towards the tribe and culture.  Alot of schools have had to change their names and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on new uniforms, posters, clothing, etc. 

I really think that this argument isn't really that big of a deal and it shouldn't matter what your mascot is.  It isn't a stereo type... it's just a mascot! I just don't understand why this is such a big deal all of a sudden.  It's just another way to spend money and complain about a stupid thing.  some of these schools have had the mascots for over 80 years... now they have to drop what they're doing and worry about this?! it's just dumb.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Even though I don't have one, I'm supposed to write about facebook anyways.  I find it to be a very stupid, yet very clever invention by Mark Zuckerburg.  From what I understand, there are alot of rumors, gossip, and trash stuff that isn't true on there, and when something interesting happens to someone, everyone finds out because someone will post it. 
I really don't like facebook because I don't think that people's lives are interesting enough to read about every freaking second of their day.  In addition, I think that facebook has alot of drama, and it's a place where you don't want to put personal stuff because someone can find it with the click of a button.  You can't keep secrets, and your personal life can get shattered.  I think the only thing it's good for is keeping in touch with peole you don't see often, and for communicating important events to someone whom you can't talk to any other way.  Other than that, it's just a stupid way to spend time, and in some ways, it could be causing obesity. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dad shoots laptop #2

On the Today show, we watched an interview that Matt Lauer gave to the father that shot his daughter's laptop about a month prior to.  It changed my views on the situation, because at first I thought it was a good idea and he was just doing what a parent should do.  On the other hand, I realized that he really did something a little childish, and he overreacted a little bit too much. 

I think that some parts of the fight he had made sense.  He saved his daughter's hard drive, so it wasn't an entire waste of a laptop and money on software.  And, I think that the fact that he stooped down her level and got his point across to her was pretty well thought.  I also think the matter should've been resolved in the home, and not be put on the internet.  I think he could've punished her the same way/method and still survive without all the hate mail and publicity.